Goddess Worship
Essay By: Caroline Tiss
In the Tradition of Dianic Wicca, the women of the coven worship the female figure known as "The Goddess" which originated in the 1970s, and an important founder was Zsuzsanna Budapest. Dianic Wicca worships the wild untamed spirit of nature.
However, the Goddess Diana has been worshiped for centuries, the term "Dianic Wicca" originated in the 1970s.
In all elements of spirituality, there is a feminine nature to connecting with the divine.
Feminine energy comes in the form of the "Yin" concept where, regardless of gender one is connecting with themselves in a receptive manner. Meditation, which is an essential part of practicing witchcraft and mindfulness, involves a lot of ability to be in a state of easily flowing consciousness. The energy of "Chi" is often defined by your life force, the energy that flows through you and through everything. It is that which gives you life. When we are in a healthy state of mind, we are able to connect to our emotions and have emotional processing. The five key elements of emotional intelligence are, "self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills." If we are going to be healthy well-regulated adults, we must acknowledge our emotional nature in a balanced way. Especially in spiritual practices, it is important to release control and expectations of the world around you and embrace the natural cycles of nature.
Goddess worship is essential in honoring the powerful and noble strengths of a woman. In the Greek Creation mythology, there was first chaos which gave birth to the first primordial deities Gaia and Uranus. Gaia represented the earth, growth, and abundance. She was the mother of everything to come after her. She is the goddess of fertility and lush verdancy.
Gaia's partner was the sky which is very interesting aspect of the way they were the perfect balance between Aether and matter.
Many of the Goddesses and Female Deities highlighted beauty and strength and held the depth of these energies with themselves.
The Goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom, war, and craftsmanship. Her sacred animal is the owl. She represents tactics and strategy. She is a goddess of strength and honor.
The Celtic Goddess, "The Morrigan" is the goddess of war and death. The Morrigan is of Irish origin and a fierce and noble goddess. She is symbolized by ravens.
These are only to name a few notable goddesses in mythology.
The history of goddess worship is an ancient one, however it comes down to the reflections of ourselves. Gods and Goddesses are figures of admiration and to be worshiped with the worship of pure essence of what they represent. In truth we are all part of the cosmos, and we are all connected to these energies in one way or another.
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