Friday, August 4, 2023

Herbal Profile - Dittany of Crete

 Dittany of Crete - Origanum dictamnus

Scent Profile: Aromatic, Herbaceous, Sweet

Correspondence: Sun/Venus, Water


"dittany, any of several plants, including European dittany (gas plantDictamnus albus), American dittany (common dittany; Cunila origanoides), and dittany of Crete (Cretan dittany, or hop marjoram; Origanum dictamnus). European dittany is in the rue family (Rutaceae), while the other two species are in the mint family (Lamiaceae). All three species are bushy perennials cultivated for their aromatic foliage.

American dittany is found in dry woodlands and prairies of the eastern United States and was once used as a remedy for fever and snakebite. It attains a height of 30 cm (1 foot) and has mint-scented leaves and clusters of rose-purple to white tubular flowers."

 - Britannica 

Dittany | Mountain Herb, Crete, Medicinal | Britannica

Grove and Grotto 

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